w3techie Blog

Decreasing a High Ping

If you’re a gamer, and especially if you play multilayer first person shooters, you should care about your ping. A lower ping can reduce lag for you and others, and it can greatly help...

What is Ping Jitter

You may have seen the term ping jitter while doing an internet speed test. Ping Jitter is is a measure of how much latency varies over a period of time. Lower jitter is advantageous...

DoS vs. DDoS

You may have heard of a DoS or DDoS attack and you may be wondering what it is or what the difference is. First, DDoS and DoS attacks are illegal in the US under...


SuperFetch is a technology new in Windows Vista and Windows 7. SuperFetch manages your computer’s RAM (random access memory) to allow it to run more efficiently. SuperFetch decreases boot time and controls applications to...

Setting up a basic DSL/Cable network

This is a very simple tutorial on how to set up a basic DSL/Cable home network. To make this the most common scenario, this tutorial will help you get a DSL or cable modem...